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Email: Dearest Confidant Please forgive my intrusion into your privacy as this is borne out of my immediate desperation to secure your partnership in the actualization of a very mutual beneficial Business Transaction. As the current climate of the Russia/Ukraine war has rendered me unable to engage in financial transactions, Owing to the restrictions placed on us by the International community.Thus i need your partnership: * To secure an Invested amount of $45 million united states Dollars * Also Invest same amount in the Immediate supply of petroleum Products * As i am presently a sellers mandate to for products of Non Russian origin from Khazastan This business partnership presents a unique opportunity for mutual profit and success. I am confident that together we can navigate the complexities of the present geopolitical situation and establish a fruitful collaboration. In order to proceed, I request that you respond to me privately at with your acceptance of this proposal. Upon receiving your reply, I will provide you with further details regarding the partnership. I understand the importance of discretion, which is why I have chosen to communicate with you privately. I eagerly await your response and look forward to working with you in the near future. Warm regards, Vladimir Rotenberg